Saturday, 16 June 2012

Travel Day 3

4:45pm Auzzie Time
Plane to San Fran
Kris, our plane is a Boeing (Boring) 747-400, and we’re well on our way to good ol’ California, and settled in for the long haul. People are sleeping, so I’ve been singing “California, Here We Come” and “California Dreaming,” but v-e-r-y quietly. Ben, if you’re reading this, that means pianissimo, pp, and I don’t mean “pretty powerful”, as funny as that was. ;o)
I have never been able to decide if I love flying or hate it. On one hand, my ears are quite sensitive to pressure, and hurt a lot on flights – I stole a piece of gum off the person sitting across the aisle from me, which helps a bit – and I hate the connotations of leaving friends and missing people, of everything, my normal routine and simple, organized, average life being disrupted and different. The roar of the engines hurts my ears as well, and the lack of privacy, claustrophobic sense, and disruption of sleep and food even more than usual is terrible. As... bouncy as I attempt (and fail) to come across, I am a very shy person at heart. Crowds unnerve me no end, and I hate being around strangers and people I don’t know so well. Travelling gives me the creeps.
But, on the other hand, it’s change; it’s adventure, something new and exciting and different. I love the chance to explore, and I’ve missed my friends back in America so much. I am glad to be able to get away from the stresses of my very perfectionistic attitude towards school-life, and live a little.
But – and Kristen, please forgive me – I hate the actual PLANES part of flying! As much as I know planes are very technologically advanced and safe, there is that little part of me that is reminded that I am but one, very innocent and vulnerable human girl, and it wouldn’t take much to make this whole machine come crashing outta the sky, destroying all that is important to me, pretty close, save a few key people back home that are not coming with.
I’ll be back in a month, it’s not like I’m leaving forever, and I don’t intend on croaking, trust me.
The journey has been really terrible as of late, actually – lots of sitting and waiting and not doing a lot, and the flight attendant serving us is a battle-axe. I mean, I understand that a waitress-on-wings is a tough job, and she must be tired and cranky, but I don’t like getting yelled at for stretching my legs, nor does Mum like getting talked back to when she asks politely if the coffee served could be anything other than stone-cold.
The only thing that has made it cool is that I am now watching the sun set over the Pacific ocean, and it is absolutely spectacular. Wish I had my camera. The ocean is still as glass, and dark, midnight blue, and the sky contrasts it with a band of brilliant crimson, mingling with mostly vibrant dark tangerine, with another band of amber above it, fading to pale periwinkle, finally darkening to a dulled electric blue. As I watch, all the colours are gradually fading away to jet black (if you’ll excuse the pun), and blurring into each other. It’s beautiful, and (I hate to be typical but) ssooo romantic. Yup, just in the time it’s taken me to write this, the ocean is now almost complete dusky-black, with just a hint of magenta tinting the horizon-line.
My blog will get a WHOLE lot less philosophical and a WHOLE lot more interesting when I actually get to the States and start hanging with people and going places and sightseeing, trust me. And, I’ll have my camera, and will be sure to download lots of photos! Watch this space, folks!
Must go. It’s a 13-hour flight, and my computer is nearly outta juice. Not good!
Don’t expect anything outta me until I recuperate and get over my jet lag a bit, okay? I’m so tired that I can’t sleep, and I’m grouchy and royally...  um... ticked off at the world just about now. No, Mr. Mac, you did not see me write that, nor did you see my earlier blog on swearing, right? Right. Thanks. :o)
I have just taken my disgusting migraine meds, and nearly gave myself a tonsillectomy doing my teeth (turbulence sucks), and have pretty much had enough for one night. Time to see if I can actually get some sleep on this bloody... blimmin’ tin can.
Good night, all.
Your always cheery and bubbly classmate (ggrrr, grumble, mutter, scowl),

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