Sunday, 17 June 2012

Interesting Trifles

(Okay, just a hint - "Trifles" means funny little happenings, not a sweet dish)
It's funny wht you see when your trying to do a Sherlock Holmes. We only went out for dinner and did some shopping, but it was still interesting. For one, I had forgotten how much food there is here, and how many brand names I had forgotten. Sugar Cookies, Hot Tamales Candy, Milk that comes in cartons, not bottles, Dannimals Drinks, Hershey's chocolate. You are probably getting a funny view of what I remember, given most of that is sweet, but keep in mind I was 11 when I left. It was a real "trip down memory lane", and we got a lot of weird stares throughout the supermarket going "OMG! I remember that!" all through the shop!!!
Also, you know that 95o Farenheit I mentioned in a past blog? I should have been more specific. That was in the shade, at 6:00pm! I was outside for... less than five minutes, just walking to the shop from the car, and I'm already sunburned slightly pink. Thank goodness all the buildings have central heating and air conditioning!
Everything here is - very predicably - American! It's so weird. I've become accustomed to this tiny little island in the middle of nowhere, and now I'm in the middle of this huge great place. Everything seems bigger. The cars are massive. The serving sizes at resturants are enough to make me queasy!
But, despite that, there are a huge range to people and body types. Not all Americans are fat. Actually, here, they seem to be mostly healthy enough, thank you VERY much.
There are also a lot of people with tattoos, but different tattoos to NZ. Intricate dottalations of Mexican designs, and American flags and stuff like that. And, it seems all the guys have moustaches, you know, the funny Cowboy moustaches. It's so weird.
And, there are warning signs against theft everywhere, because the homeless population steals shopping carts.
Things are much cheaper here, too.
And there is a big Hispanic theme to culture, as we are so close to Mexico, and there is a huge influx of Spanish-speaking population. The colours here are very dulled, tawny browns and yellows, or very bright colours, like red-oranges and apricots. Fits with the environment around here. And the food is able to take the roof off the top of your mouth!
It's weird to use Imperial System now; I'm used to using kilograms - shock, horror.
Have to log off - We're out the door in a few minutes.
Signing off,
Your not-so-local super sleuth,

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