Saturday, 16 June 2012

Being Observant

I now have a little notepad that I'm using to write down what happens here, but for now, since nothing has really happened, it has observances of this funny place that I am supposed to call home. I would write them all down, but you patient people will have to wait for tomorrow sometime, as I have to get ready for bed, it being 9:30pm here.
Good night, all,


  1. Hi Rachel.
    Glad to hear that you got to the USA safely. I share your fear of planes (but don't tell the others in my family) We miss you here heaps and heaps!!!!! And it is super cold here today - only 8deg C!!!!
    Kristen is dreading the thought of school tomorrow without you.
    Miss you guys and have a great time!!
    Love The Brandli's

    1. Awwww....
      Yeah, I miss you guys, too, and have the worst case of homesickness ever! Tell Kris to hang in there, and keep her chin up high. I'll be home soon.
      I take it with the comment about planes that I'm talking to Jo, or is someone else gonna surprise me?
      Wear lots of wool, bundle up, don't get hypothermia - Summer's even worse. I'm missing the cold, and will never complain about NZ weather again!
