Friday 13 July 2012

The Last Post

In less than half an hour, we're off to the San Fransico Airport, heading home to New Zealand. I dunno if I'm esctatic or depressed. I'm mostly thrilled.
In terms of doing things today, I have pretty much nothing to report, just going out for breakfast and getting an English Muffin for my last breakfast in America, and then curling up on the couch because I felt terrible, and only waking up three hours later....
Anyhow, I think I better mention in passing that I just realised today that people as far away as Russia and the UK and Malaysia and Australia as checking up on this post. Please, I cannot actually fathom why you awesome, multicultural people are reading about the mostly dull, or at least dully reported, holidays of one rather odd New Zealand girl? By all means, I hope you've enjoyed reading this, and I'm rather annoyed to have to stop writing it now.
To Mr. Mackenzie, as the person who asked me to write this blog for my school assignment, I hope it's of a good calibur. It's actually been hard to remember that this is a school assignment, and I've thoroughly loved writing it!
AS for photos... my American friends have seen them, and I really have not had the time to dowload all five hundred and something pics I've taken. Sorry! I'll bring my camera to school just to prove that photos have been taken. Promise! ;o)
As my Last Post (give me credit for an inventive name. ;o) Please?), this is bound to be highly philoscophical, and mostly repetitive of my last two posts. I still confuzzled as to what is going through my brain most of these last few days. I know I will miss my friends in Pennsylvania and California, and I still feel like I'm abandoning them, but I know that I don't really have a choice, and that is the very reason that email and phones were invented.
I have to sign off now, as I haven't eaten anything since that English Muffin, and I won't get anything to eat until I get back to NZ. So, I say a fond farewell to all the people who have read this blog throughout the world. Wish me luck on the flight home. ;o)
To my American friends, I loved seeing you again, and it really made me think about how lucky I am to have the life experiance of living in multipule places across the world, even if it's hard to say good bye. Thank you so much for the time you spent and all your have done as we travelled the USA. It's been an amazing trip, thanks to you all.
To my New Zealand friends, I can just say....
See you really soon,

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